Ni muer ni viu ni no guaris, Ni mal no·m sent e si l’ai gran, Quar de s’amor no suy devis, Ni no sai si ja n’aurai ni quan, Qu’en lieys es tota le mercés Que·m pot sorzer o decazer.” “Not dying nor living nor healing, there is no pain in my sickness, for I am not kept from her love. I don’t know if I will ever have it, for all the mercy that makes me flourish or decay is in her power.
Deborah HarknessScholars do one of two things when they discover information that doesn't fit what they already know. Either they sweep it aside so it doesn't bring their cherished theories into question or they focus on it with laserlike intensity and try to get to the bottom of the mystery.
Deborah HarknessMy experiences thus far had me planning to throttle the first Tudor historian I met upon my return for gross dereliction of duty.
Deborah HarknessWe kissed each other, long and deep, while my legs opened like the covers of a book.
Deborah HarknessIn this room we understand why this war might be's about our common belief that no one has the right to tell two creatures that they cannot love each other--no matter what their species.
Deborah HarknessThese days vampires gravitated toward particle accelerators, projects to decode the genome, and molecular biology. Once they had flocked to alchemy, anatomy, and electricity. If it went bang, involved blood, or promised to unlock the secrets of the universe, there was sure to be a vampire around.
Deborah Harkness