But I often think we talk way too much in this society, that we consider verbalization a panacea that it very often is not, and that we turn a blind eye to the sort of morbid self-absorption that becomes a predictable by-product of it.
Dennis LehaneYou've learned that every good lie is threaded with truth and every accepted truth leaks lies.
Dennis LehaneDon't get me wrong, I love literary fiction. It's faux literary fiction I can't stand.
Dennis LehaneL.A. burns, and so many other cities smolder, waiting for the hose that will flood gasoline over the coals, and we listen to politicians who fuel our hate and our narrow views and tell us it's simply a matter of getting back to basics while they sit in their beachfront properties and listen to the surf so they won't have to hear the screams of the drowning.
Dennis Lehane