Charm was the luxury of those who still believed in the essential rightness of things. In purity and picket fences.
Dennis LehaneThe best thing that can happen to people entering creative professions is the dwindling of all other possibilities.
Dennis LehaneThere are so many more important things to worry about than how you're perceived by strangers.
Dennis LehaneI believe so deeply in the primacy of language, in lifting your prose to the highest level you're capable of and making your words symphonic.
Dennis LehaneMy daughter squealed again and both Bubba and I winced. Itโs not an attractive sound, that. Itโs high-pitched and it enters your ear canals like hot glass. No matter how much I love my daughter, I will never love her squealing. Or maybe I will. Maybe I do. Driving down 93, I realized once and for all, that I love the things that chafe. The things that fill me with stress so total I canโt remember when a block of it didnโt rest on top of my heart. I love what, if broken, canโt be repaired. What, if lost canโt be replaced. I love my burdens.
Dennis LehaneIf you are deemed insane, then all actions that would oherwise prove you are not do, in actuality, fall into the framework of an insane personโs actions. Your sound protests constitute denial. Your valid fears are deemed paranoia. Your survival instincts are labeled defense mechanisms. Itโs a no-win situation. Itโs a death penalty really.
Dennis Lehane