To me writing was not a career but a necessity. And so it remains, though I am now, technically, a professional writer. The strength of this inborn desire to write has always baffled me. It is understandable that the really gifted should feel an overwhelming urge to use their gift; but a strong urge with only a slight gift seems almost a genetic mistake.
Dervla Murphyone of the advantages of cycling is that it automatically prevents a journey from becoming an Expedition.
Dervla MurphyIt is far easier to explain to a three-year-old how babies are made than to explain the processes whereby bread or sugar appear on the table.
Dervla MurphyTo me writing was not a career but a necessity. And so it remains, though I am now, technically, a professional writer. The strength of this inborn desire to write has always baffled me. It is understandable that the really gifted should feel an overwhelming urge to use their gift; but a strong urge with only a slight gift seems almost a genetic mistake.
Dervla MurphySunnis consider Shias a pack of unwholesome fanatics and Shias consider Sunnis a gang of lukewarm no-goods - there's nothing like religion for spreading brotherly love!
Dervla Murphy