F8 And Be There! For years, this was the cry of the photojournalist. It meant that 90% of a great photo was being in the right place at the right time. True, it was simplistic, but in the Age of Photoshop, this maxim is too often forgotten. No matter how much you play with the bits and bytes, the best images always start out with a great vision, clearly and cleanly seen.
Dewitt JonesNature shows me incredible beauty standing just beyond the rat race. It's always there if I'm open enough to see it.
Dewitt JonesStart out by celebrating the best in the situation because it allows us to fall in love with it, which connects us to our passion and emancipates the energy.
Dewitt JonesSo we live in an accelerating possibility curve. Perhaps we can't control it, but we can learn to ride it like a surfer on a wave or a bird on a thermal, to use its power to take us where we want to go - to live in uncertainty and yet act with confidence.
Dewitt JonesSo many things begin to change when you come at the world from that perspective of more than one right answer.
Dewitt JonesWhat is creativity? Having spent my life in one creative endeavor after another, I can tell you it's not something magical or mystical. It's something very simple. To me, it's just a moment - a moment where we look at the ordinary, but we see the extraordinary. It happens all the time in my photography.
Dewitt Jones