You're pretty smart for a Fed." "I missed a bunch of questions on the entrance exam on purpose so that I could get into the agency.
Diana RowlandStill, waking up this early was just wrong. “Why can’t people be reasonable and only die after eleven A.M.?” I whined.
Diana RowlandHad I managed to fall into some sort of carnivorous plant? Yeah, bleed on the man-eating plant. Always a good plan.
Diana RowlandWhen did I turn into a needywhiny angsty idiot who needed to be swept off her feet? She snorted then started running again, forcing me into a brief sprint to catch up. We're conditioned from birth she said. I swear to god,if I ever have a daughter I'll ban all of the Disney princesses from the house. Except Mulan. She kicks ass.
Diana Rowland