Despite not knowing if what he felt from moment to moment would pass or last forever, he entered fully into his shifting states of violent rage, self-pity, longing, heartbreak, cynicism, without losing the ability to think about what was happening to him. That took courage, I thought, living with the suffering in a mindful way, as an artifact of being, neither good nor bad.
Diane AckermanMuch of life becomes background, but it is the province of art to throw buckets of light into the shadows and make life new again.
Diane Ackermanhabit, a particularly insidious thug who chokes passion and smothers love. Habit puts us on autopilot.
Diane AckermanIn the absence of touching and being touched, people of all ages can sicken and grow touched starved. Touch seems to be as essential as sunlight.
Diane AckermanThe knowing, I told myself, is only a vapor of the mind, and yet it can wreck havok with one's sanity.
Diane Ackerman