Our timing is right... The election results are still fresh in the minds of my Republican colleagues and they don't want to go through this again.
Dick DurbinThere is also the issue of personal privacy when it comes the executive power. Throughout our nation's history, whether it was habeas corpus during the Civil War, Alien and Sedition Acts in World War I, or Japanese internment camps in World War II, presidents have gone too far.
Dick DurbinThe courage of federal Judge Frank Johnson is well-known.He was the one that gave the legal authority for the right to march from Selma to Montgomery, and he suffered dearly for it. He was ostracized and rejected. His life was threatened as a result of it.
Dick DurbinJustice [Sandra Day] O'Connor has been the critical decisive vote on many issues that go to the heart of who we are as a nation.
Dick DurbinJustice O'Connor was the fifth vote to uphold the time-honored principle, which bears repeating, of separation of church and state. There was real wisdom in the decision of our forefathers in writing a Constitution that gave us an opportunity to grow as such a diverse nation, and we should never forget it.
Dick Durbin