When we come to a clearer and more sober estimate of our own limitations and responsibilities, that makes it possible more genuinely to love our neighbor.
Dietrich BonhoefferThe Lord stands above the new day, for God has made it. All restlessness, all worry, and anxiety flee before him.
Dietrich BonhoefferAfter he has been following Christ for a long time, the disciple of Jesus will be asked, "Lacked ye anything?" and he will answer "Nothing, Lord." How could he when he knows that despite hunger and nakedness, persecution and danger, the Lord is always at his side?
Dietrich BonhoefferWhen one person is struck by the Word, he speaks it to others. God has willed that we should seek and find His living Word in the witness of a brother, in the mouth of man. Therefore, the Christian needs another Christian who speaks Godโs Word to him. The Christ in his own heart is weaker than the Christ in the word of his brother; his own heart is uncertain, his brotherโs is sure.
Dietrich BonhoefferWho among us will celebrate Christmas correctly? Whoever finally lays down all power, l honor, all reputation, all vanity, all arrogance, all individualism beside the manger; whoever remains lowly and lets God alone be high; whoever looks at the child in the manger and sees the glory of God precisely in his lowliness.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer