The Door Without a Key is the Door of Dreams; it is the door by which the sensitive escape into insanity when life is too hard for them, and artists use it as a window in a watch-tower. Psychologists call it a psychological mechanism; magicians call it magic, and the man in the street calls it illusion or charlatanry according to taste. It does not matter to me what it is called, for it is effectual.
Dion FortuneThere is a life behind the personality that uses personalities as masks. There are times when life puts off the mask and deep answers unto deep.
Dion FortuneThe true nature of the gods is that of magical images shaped out of the astral plane by mankind's thought, and influenced by the mind.
Dion FortuneWe live in the midst of invisible forces whose effects alone we perceive. We move among invisible forms whose actions we very often do not perceive at all, though we may be profoundly affected by them.
Dion FortuneNo enunciation of the Truth will ever be complete, no method of training will ever be suitable for all temperaments, no one can do more than mark out the little plot of infinity which he intends to cultivate, and thrust in the spade, trusting that the soil may eventually be fruitful and free from weeds so far as the bounds he has set himself extend.
Dion Fortune