A stage play requires very different craft from a book, fiction or otherwise, and ditto from a screenplay.
Dirk BenedictHurray, Hallelujah, and Happy Prostate! Finally, someone has taken the years and done the work, so the rest of us no longer need suffer from ignorance as to how to have good prostate health. That someone is Roger Mason, and all that one needs to know in order to have a happy prostate has been distilled down into this one book. I would stake the health of my prostate on it, and can tell you as a prostate cancer survivor; it is the ONLY way to go.
Dirk BenedictFilms must all have the same structure. All of this to guarantee box office bonanza, which of course it never does, but that's another discussion entirely.
Dirk BenedictMen hand out cigars. Women `hand out' babies. And thus the world, for thousands of years, has gone round.
Dirk Benedict