I make the music as if I was scoring it. I do my best that the sounds will fit the theme of that track, but then there are many other times where it can be random and things happen for no reason, just for fun! A storyline can let me organize changes in the music better, like acts in a play.
DJ QBertI'm kinda just looking to do things that have never been done, but still have that skratcher b-boy element included. Very interesting experiments happen and it's not always a good thing, but learning from doing it - all the beautiful mistakes - and accidentally coming up with something I love is the real fun!
DJ QBertI believe the biggest advancement in DJ culture is that DJs are being vocal and are a voice to raise the consciousness of the masses towards making our planet awaken from the hypnosis of the matrix.
DJ QBertLots will get on the mic and tell huge audiences to pray for world peace. And there's a scientific study that shows when everyone prays for peace, whole war zones on the planet actually cease fighting for that day!
DJ QBertI make the music as if I was scoring it. I do my best that the sounds will fit the theme of that track, but then there are many other times where it can be random and things happen for no reason, just for fun! A storyline can let me organize changes in the music better, like acts in a play.
DJ QBert