An aware parent loves all children he or she interacts with - for you are a caretaker for those moments in time.
Doc ChildreAs any jazz musician knows, it takes flexibility and adaptability for improvisation to create beauty.
Doc ChildreHow you choose to respond each moment to the movie of life determines how you see the next frame, and the next, and eventually how you feel when the movie ends.
Doc ChildreHarmonizing heart and brain through love is what can establish a complete intelligence, a complete self, where a child can look at life and realize there are no dead ends, there are always possibilities. The greatest gift a parent can give a child during all the ups and downs of life is love.
Doc ChildreAt that elusive moment when we transcend our ordinary performance and feel in harmony with something else-whether it's a glorious sunset, inspiring music or another human being-our studies have shown that what we are really coming in sync with is ourselves. Not only do we feel more relaxed and at peace, but this entrained state increases our ability to perform well and offers numerous health benefits.
Doc Childre