The modern meaning of life's end-when does it end? How does it end? How should it end? What is the value of life? How do we measure it?
Don DeLilloA shrewd person would one day start a religion based on coincidence, if he hasn't already, and make a million.
Don DeLilloThere's something nearly mystical about certain words and phrases that float through our lives. It's computer mysticism. Words that are computer generated to be used on products that might be sold anywhere from Japan to Denmark - words devised to be pronounceable in a hundred languages. And when you detach one of these words from the product it was designed to serve, the words acquires a chantlike quality.
Don DeLilloNostalgia is a product of dissatisfaction and rage. Itยดs a settling of grievances between the present and the past.
Don DeLillo