When I wrote War Against the Mafia as a Vietnam statement, I didn't expect much to come of it-but quite a bit came and it captured me. I continued the books to feed the obvious hunger that was there for heroic fiction.
Don PendletonIn addition to the original Executioner series I have also written a number of other works with diverse taste, even poetry. None, however, have provided the pleasure of touching so many people from so many lands as have the Executioners.
Don PendletonEvery writer is working from his own individual world view, and that can become as characteristic as a fingerprint.
Don PendletonMack Bolan is a classic American hero. Readers like him and I feel very good about that.
Don PendletonI have served many long and lonely years aboard ship in war zones, and the only thing that kept me sane during all that enforced loneliness was my access to a good library in which I read, literally, every book on the shelves, even textbooks, and which gave me access to other worlds no way open to me.
Don Pendleton