Sometimes when I watch my dog, I think about how good life can be, if we only lose ourselves in our stories. Lucy doesn't read self-help books about how to be a dog; she just IS a dog. All she wants to do is chase ducks and sticks and do other things that make both her and me happy. It makes me wonder if that was the intention for man, to chase sticks and ducks, to name animals, to create families, and to keep looking back at God to feed off his pleasure at our pleasure.
Donald MillerIf you watched a movie about a guy who wanted a Volvo and worked for years to get it, you wouldnโt cry at the end when he drove off the lot, testing the windshield wipers. You wouldnโt tell your friends you saw a beautiful movie or go home and put a record on to think about the story youโd seen. The truth is, you wouldnโt remember that movie a week later, except youโd feel robbed and want your money back. Nobody cries at the end of a movie about a guy who wants a Volvo.
Donald MillerI used love like money, but love doesn't work like money. It is not a commodity. When we barter with it, we all lose. When the church does not love it's enemies, it fuels their rage. It makes them hate us more.
Donald Miller...if I do not introduce people to Jesus, then I don't believe Jesus is an important person. It doesn't matter what I say.
Donald MillerI think this is when most people give up on their stories. They come out of college wanting to change the world, wanting to get married, wanting to have kids and change the way people buy office supplies. But they get into the middle and discover it was harder than they thought. They can't see the distant shore anymore, and they wonder if their paddling is moving them forward. None of the trees behind them are getting smaller and none of the trees ahead are getting bigger. They take it out on their spouses, and they go looking for an easier story.
Donald MillerThe thing about being irresponsible is it's only cute till you are about twenty-two or so, then it becomes a liability. One day you wake up under a pizza box, the television blaring in your bedroom, the laundry piled up over what might be a bedside table, and you ask yourself: 'How did my life get like this? Why don't people like me? Didn't I have a cat and what is that smell?'
Donald Miller