Including health care. We're going to end up with better health care at a lower price. People are going to pay less and they're going to have a lower deductible.You know, the biggest - the second biggest problem, other than premiums, with Obamacare is the deductibles. They're so high, nobody's going to get to use them.
Donald TrumpThere will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you'd have millions more workers right now in the United States that are - 96 million really wanting a job and they can't get.
Donald TrumpI know our congressmen hasn't done it, has anybody put a server in their basement? Oh boy, Hillary Clinton's only - Hillary Clinton's only experience in cyber security involves her criminal scheme to violate federal law, engineering a massive cover up and putting the entire nation in harm's way.
Donald TrumpWhen Wikileaks came out... never heard of Wikileaks, never heard of it. When Wikileaks came out, all I was just saying is, "Well, look at all this information here, this is pretty good stuff." They tried to hack the Republican, the RNC, but we had good defenses. They didn't have defenses, which is pretty bad management. But we had good defenses, they tried to hack both of them. They weren't able to get through to Republicans. No, I found it very interesting when I read this stuff and I said, "Wow." It was just a figure of speech. I said, "Well, look at this. It's good reading".
Donald Trump