I have a running war with the media. And they sort of made it sound like I had a feud with the intelligence community.
Donald TrumpThe First Amendment gives all of us - it gives it to me, it gives it to you, it gives all Americans - the right to speak our minds freely. It gives you the right and me the right to criticize fake news, and criticize it strongly.
Donald TrumpWe need loyal people in this country. We need fighters in this country. We don't need weak people. We have enough of them.
Donald TrumpSo I wanted to put that to rest: So you have the water, you have the steaks, you have the airline that I sold. I mean, what's wrong with selling?Every once in a while you can sell something. You have the wines and all of that. And Trump University, we're going to start it up as soon as I win the lawsuit.
Donald Trump