She [Hillary Clinton] wants to go to a single-payer plan, which would be a disaster...she wants to go to single-payer, which means the government basically rules everything.
Donald TrumpBeyond violating our laws, visa overstays, pose - and they really are a big problem, pose a substantial threat to national security.
Donald TrumpThe people of Ohio are not happy with what he's doing. I can tell you that. They're not happy with what he [John Kasich] is doing. But the Republican Party more than any other thing has to have a victory, a presidential victory, for one thing, if nothing else: Supreme Court justices.
Donald TrumpI had crazy experience when I was talking to voters at the Nevada caucus the other night in Vegas. Voter after voter after voter, these are Republican primary voters, caucus goers, saying I don`t listen to Fox anymore. I can`t trust Fox anymore. I`m over them. And these were all [Donald] Trump supporters who he had successfully sort of pried their trust away from the thing they have been trusting for years.
Donald Trump