One of the very first things I will do is to order a thorough review of our cyberdefenses and weaknesses.
Donald TrumpYou know when you hear the 22 suicides a day it's a big part of your question. But when you hear the 22 suicides a day that should never be.
Donald TrumpBy doing that [ saying no boots on the ground], she [Hillary Clinton] has empowered the enemy, she's empowered the enemy.
Donald TrumpMarkets always change, and as soon as there's downturn, cleanliness becomes a major value.
Donald TrumpI had crazy experience when I was talking to voters at the Nevada caucus the other night in Vegas. Voter after voter after voter, these are Republican primary voters, caucus goers, saying I don`t listen to Fox anymore. I can`t trust Fox anymore. I`m over them. And these were all [Donald] Trump supporters who he had successfully sort of pried their trust away from the thing they have been trusting for years.
Donald Trump