For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests, they partner with these people that don't have your good in mind. Our [presidental] campaign represents a true existential threat like they haven't seen before.
Donald TrumpI have gone to all over the country and I've met so many veterans and I have tremendous veteran support.
Donald TrumpUniversities charge outrageous prices instead of dipping into their own massive funding.
Donald TrumpTheir days [of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton] - their days will be numbered very quickly.
Donald TrumpThe biggest problem I have with the stupidity of our foreign policy, we have Mosul. They think a lot of the ISIS leaders are in Mosul. So we have announcements coming out of Washington and coming out of Iraq, we will be attacking Mosul in three weeks or four weeks. Well, all of these bad leaders from ISIS are leaving Mosul. Why can't they do it quietly?
Donald Trump