Four fifty-four for gas... because we have nobody that calls up OPEC... and say, [mobster voice] 'That. Price. Better. Get. Lower. And it better. Get. Lower. Fast.'
Donald TrumpThe fact that this highly classified information of very, very important people in many cases was so poorly protected demonstrates that cyber security is just one more area where the Obama administration has failed.
Donald TrumpPeople at Clinton Foundation are very greedy people. These are people that have skirted the law for a long time. Hard to believe that, you know, somebody like this has a good chance of being president.
Donald TrumpHillary Clinton put her emails on a secret server nobody knew about except for the man that was given the Fifth. Whatever happened to him? Where is he? What happened to him? Where did he go? He pled the Fifth. Never... That's the end of him.
Donald TrumpWhen Putin says good things and when we have a possibility of having a good relationship with Russia.
Donald TrumpMarco's [Rubio] had this hanging over his head for a long time. I've been hearing about his credit card problems for so long, what he did with the Republican Party. You had people that doing the checking, accounting people and other people - I mean, they were devastated that nothing was done with Rubio because of what he did.
Donald Trump