I have gone to all over the country and I've met so many veterans and I have tremendous veteran support.
Donald TrumpHillary Clinton, all talk. Unfortunately when there is action it's always the wrong decision.
Donald TrumpOne of my first acts will be to get all of the drug lords, all of the bad ones - we have some bad, bad people in America that have to go out. We're going to get them out; we're going to secure the border.
Donald TrumpWe should be using our brilliant people, our most brilliant minds to figure a way that ISIS cannot use the Internet. And then on second, we should be able to penetrate the Internet and find out exactly where ISIS is and everything about ISIS. And we can do that if we use our good people.
Donald TrumpI don't support or unsupport Assange. If the Democrats had the proper defensive devices on their internet, equipment, they wouldn't even allow the FBI. How about this - they get hacked, and the FBI goes to see them, and they won't let the FBI see their server. But do you understand, nobody ever writes it. Why wouldn't Podesta and Hillary Clinton allow the FBI to see the server? They brought in another company that I hear is Ukrainian-based.
Donald Trump