You need better relationships between the communities and the police, because in some cases, it's not good.But you look at Dallas, where the relationships were really studied, the relationships were really a beautiful thing, and then five police officers were killed one night very violently.
Donald TrumpI'm going to fight to bring us all together, we're a divided nation. Very divided nation right now. We're going to be unified nation, a nation of love.
Donald TrumpJust consider some of these recent hacks, JPMorgan Chase, massive bank, had 73 million e-mails stolen.
Donald TrumpNATO members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligations.
Donald TrumpA lot of the people that we have made offers to, and where we make offers, when they hear it's a part-time job, or a it's four-month or five-month job - and I understand this - they're not interested. They're American people. They're not interested.
Donald TrumpI used to get great press. I get the worst press. I get such dishonest reporting with the media. I've never had anything like it before. It happened during the primaries, and I said, you know, when I won, I said, "Well the one thing good is now I'll get good press." And it got worse. So that was one thing that a little bit of a surprise to me. I thought the press would become better, and it actually, in my opinion, got more nasty.
Donald TrumpGeneral Mike Flynn obviously was dealing with Russia. So that's one person. But he was dealing, as he should have been.
Donald TrumpWages will rise, jobs will return, and factories will come rushing, rushing back in to our country.
Donald TrumpUnder my administration, anyone who illegally crosses the border will be detained until they are removed out of our country and back to the country from which they came.
Donald TrumpPeace will be restored by enforcing the rules for millions for overstay their visas. Our laws will finally receive the respect that they deserve.
Donald TrumpHillary Clinton made $21.6 million giving speeches to Wall Street banks and other special interests and, in less than two years, secret speeches that she does not want to reveal under any circumstances to the public. I wonder why.
Donald TrumpI think Brexit will go down that it will end up being a fantastic thing for the United Kingdom. I think in the end, it will be a tremendous asset, not a tremendous liability.
Donald TrumpIn America, we're being stripped of our jobs, our good jobs are really good down, and we've got to stop it. And the only way you're going to stop it, the nice way is, we're reducing taxes very substantially for companies so they're not going to have to leave because of taxes. We'll be reducing regulations. Now those are the nice ways of doing it and everyone loves it and everyone's happy. Businesses, way down. Also middle class, but way down, O.K., taxes and regulations.
Donald TrumpThe failure to establish a new Status of Forces Agreement in Iraq, and the election-driven timetable for withdrawal, surrendered our gains in that country and led directly to the rise of ISIS.
Donald TrumpTo all those Bernie Sanders voters who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of superdelegates, we welcome you with open arms.
Donald TrumpSomebody's got to do it [being Donald Trump]. It's different. It's difficult. There are a lot of wonderful things about it, but always being under scrutiny isn't one of them.
Donald TrumpI have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people who cannot defend themselves.
Donald TrumpLook, look, Jeb [Bush] said we were safe with my brother. We were safe. Well, the World Trade Center just fell down! Now, am I trying to blame him? I'm not blaming anybody. But the World Trade Center came down. So when he said, we were safe, that's not safe. We lost 3,000 people, it was one of the greatest - probably the greatest catastrophe ever in this country if you think about it, right?
Donald TrumpI tell you one thing, Hillary Clinton tried to make a deal. She had the reset. She gave all that valuable uranium away, she did other things away. They say I'm close to Russia. Hillary Clinton gave away 20% of the uranium. She's close to Russia. You know what I gave to Russia? You know what I gave?
Donald TrumpIt's a great way of getting my word out. I love Twitter and tweeting, and I have - between that and Facebook, I have like 10 million followers. It's a great way. Now if you do something bad to me, I can tweet about Chris. And the world will be seeing it.
Donald TrumpImportantly, in several years when we have accomplished all of our enforcement and deportation goals and truly ended illegal immigration for good, including the construction of a great wall, which we will have built in record time. And at a reasonable cost, which you never hear from the government.
Donald TrumpThis [Barack Obama] administration has failed America's inner cities. Remember, it has failed America's inner cities. It's failed them on education. It's failed them on jobs. It's failed them on crime. It's failed them in every way and on every single level. When I am president, I will work to ensure that all of our kids are treated equally and protected equally.
Donald TrumpIf I'm insulted I will counterattack, or if something is unfair, I will counterattack, but I don't feel like I insult people. I don't want to do that. But if I'm attacked, I will counterattack.
Donald TrumpFor those here illegally today, who are seeking legal status, they will have one route and one route only. To return home and apply for reentry like everybody else, under the rules of the new legal immigration system that I have outlined above.
Donald TrumpMy administration inherited many problems across government and across the economy. To be honest, I inherited a mess.
Donald TrumpI think it will be interesting to see what happens in that small confine at the White House, when you have all the media that`s been assigned to cover the White House, and you start getting the same kind of questions, the same kind of approach.
Donald TrumpWhen I look at all of the things that I see and all of the potential that America has, we have such tremendous potential, whether it's in business and trade, where we're doing so badly.
Donald Trump[Hillary Clinton] has seen on two separate occasions, laughing at the girl who was raped.
Donald TrumpI have made billions of dollars in business making deals. Now I'm going to make America rich again.
Donald TrumpI have embraced crying mothers who have lost their children because our politicians put their personal agendas before the national good. I have no patience for injustice.
Donald TrumpAmericans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the United States are enforced!
Donald TrumpAfrican-Americans now 45 percent poverty in the inner cities. The education is a disaster. Jobs are essentially nonexistent.
Donald TrumpI think that [Donald] Trump is brilliant to raise this issue. When my son, Gabriel, and his wife, Deb, was pregnant, I said, You got to come home. I want my grandson to be president of the United States. He has to be born in the United States.Now, a child of a citizen of the United States born abroad or born wheresoever is a citizen if that's - he or she so chooses. So there's no doubt but that Ted Cruz is a citizen of the United States.
Donald Trump