I never tell students they cannot read a book they pick up, but I do guide them toward books that I think would be a good fit for them. I think of myself as a reading mentor-a reader who can help them find books they might like.
Donalyn MillerFailing to graduate a populace that values reading has long-term consequences for everyone.
Donalyn MillerBooks are love letters (or apologies) passed between us, adding a layer of conversation beyond our spoken words.
Donalyn MillerWhen we meet and I discover that we have read and loved the same books, we are instant friends.
Donalyn MillerReading changes your life. Reading unlocks worlds unknown or forgotten, taking travelers around the world and through time. Reading helps you escape the confines of school and pursue your own education. Through characters - the saints and the sinners, real or imagined - reading shows you how to be a better human being.
Donalyn Miller