The Surf Lodge has got to be seven or eight years I've been playing there, every summer. It's definitely one of the most fun gigs of our whole East Coast tour. The beautiful atmosphere, amazing stage overlooking that beautiful lagoon - it's just a really hip, cool spot to play. We always look forward to it, every year.
Donavon FrankenreiterBefore I actually got a hard surfboard at the age of 10, like a real board, I was always just trying to stand up on boogie boards or rafts or whatever I had, trying to emulate the people that I saw surfing the waves out there.
Donavon FrankenreiterThat was like the best start I could've had, the best way I could've started in the music scene. I owe [Jack Johnson] a lot for the beginning of my career and setting me off on the right path, and that's the coolest thing that ever could've happened.
Donavon Frankenreiter