It's a wisdom that comes from seeing how things work. Things you want to happen always take a long time.' She pointed one little finger at the meech dragon and shook it in his face. 'You may read books and know bunches, but I have lived life longer than you.
Donita K. PaulFenworth!' Yes?' You bore me with your prattle.' Oh, regrettable that. Why don't you seek the company of someone who doesn't prattle? Seems like a good solution to your problem.
Donita K. PaulWouldn't it be most logical for her to change herself into a living thing, like a cat or dog, a bird or mouse?' That would be the easiest transformation, but Risto is above doing something simple.' Still, I'd be happier if Dibl would quit eating those bugs. Dibl, stop it. You might eat Gilda.
Donita K. Paul