We didn't know what was coming next. And, you know, this is not just about computers; this is harassment of individuals, it's harassment of our candidates, harassment of our donors. We had stolen information, personal information. People were personally harassed.
Donna BrazileI think they [Hillary and Bill Clinton] have been - they have shown over and over again that they're willing to be transparent and that they have gone beyond the letter of the law, to show that they're trying to make sure there are bright red, green, purple lines that will separate them from any type of conflict.
Donna BrazileWhen I saw the president [Barack Obama], I was a little disappointed that, you know, we were under constant attack. We never felt comfortable.
Donna BrazileBarbara Jordan is one [of the political heroes]. Her 1976 speech in New York inspired me to get into politics.
Donna BrazileDr. [Martin Luther] King led a very historic march here in Washington, D.C. It was a march for jobs and freedom. It was a march to raise expectations that this country could live up to its ideals. I have watched this debate, this conversation [betwin Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump] about bigotry, about racism, I find it all misplaced.
Donna Brazile