Signs usually come in threes. The same book is recommended to you several times within the space of a day, for example. You overhear someone mention the same company three times in a week. Or, you get the same feeling again and again. Notice your feelings. Again, true divine guidance feels safe, even if it does feel intimidating. False guidance feels edgy, shaky - like you're sneaking under the wire. It doesn't feel right.
Doreen VirtueDon't feel obligated to spend time with people who pull you off the path of your life purpose.
Doreen VirtueI have learned from my own pain is that God's plan for all of us is peace. Being a role model to peace, and spreading peace through being peaceful ourselves. It's about choosing peace instead of pain - this is the bottom line.
Doreen VirtueA balance of giving and receiving is essential to keeping your energy, mood and motivation at a consistently high level.
Doreen VirtueIf you don't ask for their help, your angels still are with you and continuously sending you pure, unconditional love. If there's a situation where your life is endangered before it's your time to go, they will do their very best to warn and protect you. Still, usually your free will is involved. They will scream at you, "Change lanes right now!" or "Go check on the baby!" But you have to participate in the dance of having your prayers answered.
Doreen Virtue