I remember to breathe throughout the day. I remind myself that I can choose peace, no matter what is going on around me. Whenever I desire, I can retreat to that quiet place within simply by closing my eyes.
Doreen VirtueTo have conscious communication with the angels - we all are continuously and unconsciously connecting with our angels, whether we know it or not - you would start in a place you feel comfortable, all by yourself, so you don't feel self-conscious. Then, just think of something you would like help with. For example, say, "Angels, I want a wonderful new job that exercises all my talents and everything I've learned - so I will wake up on Monday mornings and say 'Yippee!' - and that comfortably pays all my bills, plus some." You ask, and then the next step is to let go.
Doreen VirtueThe angels can sometimes come as wordless words as feeling, and as repetitive signs, like getting recommended the same book over and over and over again...
Doreen VirtueThe angels and the archangels will help you with world peace to the degree it affects you. But they have to honor everyone's free will - including the will of people who like to use weapons or to give orders to soldiers. They cannot usurp such people's free will. Say to the angels, "I affirm or ask for world peace to the degree it affects me." Think of the world as an array of intersecting circles. The part of the world with the intersecting circle that has you in it is what the angels can and will help with.
Doreen Virtue