If you don't ask for their help, your angels still are with you and continuously sending you pure, unconditional love. If there's a situation where your life is endangered before it's your time to go, they will do their very best to warn and protect you. Still, usually your free will is involved. They will scream at you, "Change lanes right now!" or "Go check on the baby!" But you have to participate in the dance of having your prayers answered.
Doreen VirtueWhenever I'd feel angry or sad, I'd keep it to myself. I didn't want to upset or burden anyone with my problems. No wonder I felt lonely and isolated in my relationships, since I never allowed anyone to get to know the full me with all the shadows and sorrows.
Doreen VirtueRegardless of the situation at hand, the answer is always found through your inner peace.
Doreen VirtueIf you find yourself focusing on negative scenarios, ask us angels to transmute this fearful energy into love.
Doreen Virtue