Regardless of whether or not God exists, God has no place in mathematics, at least in my book.
Doron ZeilbergerNo Victor, you got it backwards, you should evaluate these integrals non-rigorously if you can, and rigorously if you must.
Doron ZeilbergerMathematics my foot! Algorithms are mathematics too, and often more interesting and definitely more useful.
Doron ZeilbergerYou can keep counting forever. The answer is infinity. But, quite frankly, I don't think I ever liked it. I always found something repulsive about it. I prefer finite mathematics much more than infinite mathematics. I think that it is much more natural, much more appealing and the theory is much more beautiful. It is very concrete. It is something that you can touch and something you can feel and something to relate to. Infinity mathematics, to me, is something that is meaningless, because it is abstract nonsense.
Doron Zeilberger