For an hour, blended with all she could offer, something noble had been created which had nothing to do with the physical world. And from the turn of his throat, the warmth of his hair, the strong, slender sinews of his hands, something further; which had. Though she combed the earth and searched through the smoke of the galaxies there was no being she wanted but this, who was not and should not be for Philippa Somerville.
Dorothy DunnettAnd the English army, wheeling, started south at a gallop over the hill pass into Ettrick, followed by twenty men and eight hundred sheep in steel helmets.
Dorothy DunnettIf I canโt be personal, I donโt want to argue,โ said his hostess categorically. โI may be missing your points, but youโre much too busy dodging mine.
Dorothy DunnettIt seems to me,โ said Philippa prosaically, โthat on the whole we run more risks with Mr Crawfordโs protection than without it.
Dorothy Dunnett