The visa thing can be an issue, if you're going to work for someone here make sure they will help you with this. However, so that you know what you need make sure you research the visa issue on your own. A 90 day visa is not a problem and I saw six month visas being offered through the Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia, but nothing about one year visas or temporary residence cards. Of course you are probably aware that you need some sort of visa in advance just to gain entry into Vietnam.
Doug RiceOn my discharge, I had the challenge of putting my life back together but Vietnam stuck in the inner recesses of my mind.
Doug RiceSome 30 years later I found myself back here again [in Vietnam] on what was to be a short visit that lasted months, and since then I've been living my life with one foot in Ho Chi Minh City and the other in Fair Oaks, California.
Doug RiceBorn in the Flint, Michigan, big boat sailing on the Great Lakes and skiing in the winter was how most of my youth was spent.
Doug Rice