Sometimes things are nothing on paper, but a genius director turns it into something amazing.
Douglas BoothWith our job, you often meet people through work. I've had two long-term relationships, from 14 to 18 and 19 to 21. One I met at school and the other I met on a job so who knows where I'll meet the next person.
Douglas BoothI've had friends who have come away who've said, "I shouldn't have become such close friends with the director." You always want to get on with the director, but I personally prefer a relationship where you respect them - you get on really well with them, but they're boss, as it were. It's about trusting your director, for better or for worse. They're the one's seeing what's coming out on the monitors, so you have to try and trust what they say.
Douglas BoothGoing over to Lesvos in Greece and meeting some of these poor refugees who have just made the treacherous sea crossing opened my eyes in a way I can't even being to describe. It's put a fire in my belly to really try to do something, the little I can do.
Douglas Booth