As luck would have (it was) in God's hands. It was me...The billionaire (part) was a stretch but I thought the almighty dollar was the way to be happy...and I woke up one morning and I had three retail establishments and a full-blown construction company with partners making great money and I was miserable.
Drew WatersThe problem was with construction and retail, you have to be able to shut things off at night and spend quality time with yourself and family. I couldn't do it. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to give 100% to my passion if I held on to them.
Drew Waters(I want to) make good stories that have a redemptive message and allow people to dig into their own lives and personal struggles and go "Am I like this? Do I have these flaws too?" and open up a conversation.
Drew WatersIn the Navy, I was introduced to the modeling world and something I never thought I would do in a million years. I never thought about doing it...I was kind of against doing it for a while until he introduced me to an agent. I went down to this big event (and they wanted me as a model) So, I was getting out of the military and decided to take that opportunity.
Drew WatersWhat footprint do you want to be known for? (It's) the legacy and the journey that you're on. Trust in yourself. Trust in the passion you have (inside) yourself.
Drew Waters