Egypt is the mind of the Earth. The heart actually is in Mexico, and some say in Columbia. Tahiti/Morea sits in the feminine South Pole of the Christ grid and that is why they did the nuclear experiments there. The area inside the tube torus that moves up through there enters into the very center of the beam of the Earth. That's why I called it the womb - it goes right into the private personal aspect of the Earth. And they exploded the bombs, right down this center.
Drunvalo MelchizedekMother Earth is changing the world. She is in control now, so we don't have to do anything but just be of service. If she says to do something, okay we do it, and if she doesn't, then we can relax. We've won the game, everything is almost in place. Everything is in balance.
Drunvalo MelchizedekChina is stealing all of our secrets out of our computers, using the psychic children, and we're trying to say that it's people here in the United States, but that's not the case. And Russia for sure is able to go into any computer in the world and take all the information out of it.
Drunvalo Melchizedek