If I was concerned about being accepted, I would have been doing Ansel Adams lookalikes, because that was easily accepted. Everything I did was never accepted...but luckily for me, my interest in the subject and my passion for the subject took me to the point that I wasn't wounded by that, and eventually, people came around to me.
Duane MichalsThe question of truth is forever in the air, and people look for it with particular fervor in art.
Duane MichalsI already know what things look like - I don't want description. People believe in appearances, and I don't believe in appearances at all.
Duane MichalsWe live in a culture where the one who shouts the loudest gets the most attention. It's not in the vulgar, it's not in the shock that one finds art. And it's not the excessively beautiful. It's in between; it's in nuance.
Duane MichalsI write in order to express what the photo itself cannot say. A photograph of my father doesn't tell me what I thought of him, which for me is much more important than what the man looked like.
Duane Michals