I found my friends very amusing the first time because they are funny and amusing. They really are because they're people who've got everything. They're sort of like camp caricatures of what you expect an aristocrat should be: vicious, rude, caustic unpleasantries.
Duncan RoyAs I found out making this last movie ["Method"], if you ever do things in an unusual, different way, you got to fight because there's no way people will let you.
Duncan RoyI did make some money, the first money that I ever made, doing this last one, and it's an extraordinary feeling just being given the freedom to do something.
Duncan RoyI'm part of an industry that everybody wants to be a part of. I do hang out with a lot of sort of powerful, interesting people like Bella Freud or Jay Joplin or Tracey Emin. I'm part of that group of people. Brit artists who are doing things. That's what I do. Some of them happen to be aristocrats.
Duncan Roy