... we have been warned by the power of modern weapons, that peace may be the only climate possible for human life itself ... There must be law, steadily invoked and respected by all nations, for without law, the world promises only such meager justice as the pity of the strong upon the weak.
Dwight D. Eisenhower... The future is very markedly in your hands, its value and its moral standing in the world and among ourselves. If you will take the power you have and use it, I have no fear of the outcome of the future.
Dwight D. EisenhowerFor any American who had the great and priceless privilege of being raised in a small town there always remains with him nostalgic memories... And the older he grows the more he senses what he owed to the simple honesty and neighborliness, the integrity that he saw all around him in those days.
Dwight D. EisenhowerMay we grow in strength — without pride in self. May we, in our dealings with all peoples of the earth, ever speak truth and serve justice. And so shall America — in the sight of all men of good will — prove true to the honorable purposes that bind and rule us as a people in all this time of trial through which we pass.
Dwight D. EisenhowerThe teaching of their ancient belief is filled with truth for the present day. Its profound sense of justice, nation to nation, man to man, is an essential part of every religious and social order. The health of our society depends upon a deep and abiding respect for the basic commandments of the God of Israel.
Dwight D. Eisenhower