You might as well try to hear without ears or breathe without lungs, as to try to live a Christian life without the Spirit of God in your heart.
Dwight L. MoodyIf a man just stops to think what he has to praise God for, he will find there is enough to keep him singing praises for a week.
Dwight L. MoodyThe fact is, we are leaky vessels, and we have to keep right under the fountain all the time to keep full of Christ, and so have fresh supply.
Dwight L. MoodyWhat makes the Dead Sea dead? Because it is all the time receiving, never giving out anything. Why is it that many Christians are cold? Because they are all the time receiving, never giving out anything.
Dwight L. MoodyThere is no true prayer without confession. As long as we have unconfessed sin in our soul, we are not going to have power with God in prayer. He says if we regard iniquity in our hearts, He will not hear us, much less answer. As long as we are living in any known sin, we have no power in prayer. God is not going to hear it.
Dwight L. Moody