Someday you will read in the papers that Moody is dead. Don't you believe a word of it. At that moment I shall be more alive than I am now. I was born of the flesh in 1837, I was born of the spirit in 1855. That which is born of the flesh may die. That which is born of the Spirit shall live forever.
Dwight L. MoodySeeking to perpetuate one's name on earth is like writing on the sand by the seashore; to be perpetual it must be written on eternal shores.
Dwight L. MoodyWe have got nowadays so that we divide lies into white lies and black lies, society lies and business lies, etc. The Word of God knows no such letting-down of the standard.
Dwight L. MoodyThe best way to show that a stick is crooked is not to argue about it or to spend time denouncing it, but to lay a straight stick alongside it
Dwight L. Moody