I think that work has been the key for me. Just like they say shooting will become easy if you just keep working at it, well, I love the dribble game-that brings excitement to the game.
Dwyane WadeYou play a certain way for so long, and change is good. So I look forward to change, and I look forward to playing with the proper talent that we were able to put together.
Dwyane WadeChicago is a beautiful city. It's one of those places that people around the world see and say, 'Maybe one day.' There's so much excitement in the city about what you can accomplish and what you can be. We get this stigma, and rightfully so, because of the killings, but it's one of the best cities in the world. I'm biased, but I think it's a great city. Not only to be from, but to go to.
Dwyane WadeMy life changed in a huge way. Mentally, I've been preparing for it for over a year now. To me, it's bigger than that. For me, it shows a lot of people that you need to fight to be in your kids' lives sometimes. You fight until you can't fight any more. That's all I was trying to be, a father in his kids' lives.
Dwyane Wade