A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word to paper.
E. B. WhiteThe bonus is really one of the great give-aways in business enterprise. It is the annual salve applied to the conscience of the rich and the wounds of the poor.
E. B. WhiteOnce in everyone's life there is apt to be a period when he is fully awake, instead of half-asleep.
E. B. WhiteThe sea answers all questions, and always in the same way; for when you read in the papers the interminable discussions and the bickering and the prognostications and the turmoil, the disagreements and the fateful decisions and agreements and the plans and the programs and the threats and the counter threats, then you close your eyes and the sea dispatches one more big roller in the unbroken line since the beginning of the world and it combs and breaks and returns foaming and saying: "So soon?" E. B. White "On A Florida Key
E. B. White