Once in everyone's life there is apt to be a period when he is fully awake, instead of half-asleep.
E. B. WhiteOf course, it may be that the arts of writing and photography are antithetical. The hope and aim of a word-handler is that he maycommunicate a thought or an impression to his reader without the reader's realizing that he has been dragged through a series of hazardous or grotesque syntactical situations. In photography the goal seems to be to prove beyond a doubt that the cameraman, in his great moment of creation, was either hanging by his heels from the rafters or was wedged under the floor with his lens in a knothole.
E. B. WhiteThus I, gone forth, as spiders do, In spiderโs web a truth discerning, Attach one silken strand to you For my returning.
E. B. White