one pierced moment whiter than the rest -turning from the tremendous lie of sleep i watch the roses of the day grow deep.
e. e. cummingsAn intelligent person fights for lost causes, realizing that others are merely effects
e. e. cummingsmay I be I is the only prayer--not may I be great or good or beautiful or wise or strong.
e. e. cummingsA bouquet of clumsy words: you know that place between sleep and awake where you're still dreaming but it's slowly slipping? I wish we could feel like that more often. I also wish I could click my fingers three times and be transported to anywhere I like. I wish that people didn't always say 'just wondering' when you both know there was a real reason behind them asking. And I wish I could get lost in the stars. Listen, there's a hell of a good universe next door, let's go.
e. e. cummings