the other guineahen died of a broken heart and we came to New York. I used to sit at a table,drawing wings with a pencil that kept breaking and i kept remembering how your mind looked when it slept for several years,to wake up asking why. So then you turned into a photograph of somebody whoโs trying not to laugh at somebody whoโs trying not to cry
e. e. cummingsWritingis an art; and artistsare human beings. As a human being stands, so a human being is
e. e. cummingsThe only man, woman, or child who wrote a simple declarative sentence with seven grammatical errors "is dead."
e. e. cummings-Before leaving my room i turn, and (stooping through the morning) kiss this pillow, dear where our heads lived and were.
e. e. cummingsin time of daffodils(who know the goal of living is to grow) forgetting why,remember how in time of lilacs who proclaim the aim of waking is to dream, remember so(forgetting seem) in time of roses(who amaze our now and here with paradise) forgetting if,remember yes in time of all sweet things beyond whatever mind may comprehend, remember seek(forgetting find) and in a mystery to be (when time from time shall set us free) forgetting me,remember me
e. e. cummings