Sometimes I think too much fuss is made about marriage. Century after century of carnal embracement and we're still no nearer to understanding one another.
E. M. ForsterWhy children?' he asked. 'Why always children? For love to end where it begins is far more beautiful, and Nature knows it.
E. M. ForsterFor it is a serious thing to have been watched. We all radiate something curiously intimate when we believe ourselves to be alone.
E. M. ForsterYou talk as if a god had made the Machine," cried the other. "I believe that you pray to it when you are unhappy. Men made it, do not forget that. Great men, but men. The Machine is much, but not everything.
E. M. ForsterThis element of surprise or mystery — the detective element as it is sometimes rather emptily called — is of great importance in a plot. It occurs through a suspension of the time-sequence; a mystery is a pocket in time, and it occurs crudely, as in "Why did the queen die?" and more subtly in half-explained gestures and words, the true meaning of which only dawns pages ahead. Mystery is essential to a plot, and cannot be appreciated without intelligence.
E. M. Forster