If it is a mistake of the head and not the heart don't worry about it, that's the way we learn.
Earl WarrenThe success of any legal system is measured by its fidelity to the universal ideal of justice.
Earl WarrenChurchmen are quick to defend religious freedom; lawyers were never so universally aroused as by President Roosevelt's Court bill; newspapers are most alert to civil liberties when there is a hint of press censorship in the air. And educators become perturbed at every effort to curb academic freedom. But too seldom do all of these become militant when ostensibly the rights of only one group are threatened. They do not always react to the truism that when the rights of any individual or group are chipped away, the freedom of all erodes.
Earl WarrenBefore this distinguished assembly and the world, the bells today proclaim the joyous tidings of the completion of this quietly soaring tower.
Earl Warren