It always comes back to the fact that it is best to listen to that inner voice, whether you're in a relationship or not.
Echo BodineWhat I have found is that when we get to that still, small voice inside and begin to live by it, we see that that still, small voice doesn't judge us the way we are being judged by others all the time.
Echo BodineA lot of us have been raised with the Bible and with movies from Hollywood to believe that God shouts down from the heavens or appears in a burning bush. It's always so dramatic and kind of scary. So that's what we all expect when we're asking God for some answers.
Echo BodineOur souls are getting older and we're tired of doing things the same old way. We want to find some real solutions.
Echo BodineI cannot tell you how many times guides have said to me, "Please tell them to stop praying to me. I can't make things happen. I can't protect them from going through challenging experiences. These are experiences their soul has chosen to go through. I'm here to keep them on their path, but I don't want them to give me all this attention or power or focus." Realistically, the guides I work with are really encouraging people to find their inner voice.
Echo Bodine